alien city under cyan moon SN3123
alien city under cyan moon SN3123
4472 x 2555 | 16:9 | JPEG | Abstract | SN3123
A vibrant, otherworldly landscape unfolds under a large, cyan-colored moon or planet. The foreground features a dark, textured terrain resembling a shoreline or marshland, with hints of turquoise suggesting shallow water or reflective surfaces.  The middle ground transitions to a darker, more rugged landscape, leading to a towering, gothic-inspired cityscape in the background. The city's architecture is intricate, with spires and towers reaching towards the sky, silhouetted against the bright celestial body. Parts of the city glow with intense pink and red hues, suggesting lava flows or internal illumination. The overall palette is a striking contrast of cool blues and greens against the warm, fiery tones of the city. The scene evokes a sense of mystery and fantasy, hinting at a unique and possibly dangerous alien world.
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